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Riding an Electric Scooter in Winter: What You Need to Know

Summer is the electric scooter rider’s favourite time of the year. We could say the same for autumn and spring, but what happens when winter comes and cold, slippery chunks of snow coat the roads that used to be dry and smooth? Can you ride an electric scooter in winter, despite the slippery nature of the roads?

Driving in the snow is quite risky, even for motorists. Even expert drivers with many years of experience have to brace up for some adjustments during the winter because the roads become slippery, and your tires and brakes may not function as optimally as they used to. There is also the problem of reduced visibility and battery efficiency, which may prevent you from having an enjoyable scooter riding experience in the snow. 

Below, we will share some helpful tips that’ll make your scooter riding adventure in the snow safe and seamless.

Does Winter Weather Affect an Electric Scooter?

Winter affects electric scooters and other vehicles, which is why many people don’t drive their cars, motorbikes or electric scooters during winter. Studies have shown that more than 150,000 auto accidents happen every year due to icy roads, resulting in over 1,800 deaths.

Although these studies weren’t focused on winter scooter riding, the same factors that cause fatalities in cars and motorbikes can also pose a danger to you when you ride your electric scooter in the snow. 

Aside from the associated danger, electric scooter batteries do not perform to their full capacity in freezing weather. The devices are powered by lithium-ion batteries, which perform optimally mostly between temperatures of -20 °C ~ 60 °C. When the temperature falls below -20 °C, the battery’s power reduces significantly, and as a result, it cannot travel for as far as it used to travel in normal weather conditions. 

Batteries power the ride through a series of chemical reactions that require heat. This is the reason your phone and every other device that uses a lithium-ion battery is usually warm, especially around the battery compartment. When exposed to freezing temperatures, the cells of the battery cannot optimally perform those necessary chemical reactions needed to produce maximum result.

So, in summary, some effects of snow on electric scooters include: 

  • Slippery roads
  • Poor visibility
  • Braking difficulty
  • Difficulty controlling steering
  • Reduced battery efficiency


What Should I Consider When Riding My Electric Scooter in Winter?

If you want to have a hitch-free scooter riding experience in snowy weather, you should consider taking some necessary precautions to ensure your safety and the optimal performance of your vehicle. Here are some tips that come handy:

Tip 1: Buy Specialised Winter Tires

By now, you already know that regular car tires for summer do not get enough traction in snow. So, most motorists change their car tires into winter tires during this season. This same practice is applicable to electric scooters. 

Since the tires are the only parts that come in direct contact with the slippery road, it is best to buy tires that are specially made for this slipperiness. Regular tires become rigid and difficult to stop or even navigate during the icy season. Winter tires, on the other hand, are larger, and made of pliable rubber that can stay soft even in freezing weather. 

Alternatively, you can switch to off-road tires, as they also have a strong grip that’ll make your ride easier. 

Tip 2: Deflate Your Tires a Little 

If you’re not using specialised tires or if you cannot put larger tires on your scooter, deflating the tires a little may provide more traction, hence establishing a better grip between the commuter ride and the road.

Tip 3: Dress the Part 

If you’re going to ride your scooter in the snow, you should wear the appropriate clothing, for the freezing temperature. Apart from keeping warm, you should also wear safety gear like a helmet, elbow and knee pads, gloves, etc. These will reduce your risk of getting injured in case you get involved in an accident. You can find our gear here.

Tip 4: Be Extremely Cautious 

No matter what time of the year it is, it is necessary to be careful when driving your micromobility vehicle. However, the need for vigilance increases during winter because both motorists, pedestrians and even you who’s riding your fun commuter, are at the risk of accidents.

Hence, to be on the safe side, it is best to assume that other road users are reckless. Hence, you have to prioritise your safety and theirs. Therefore, you shouldn’t make dangerous manoeuvres, over-speed or try to perform any stunts.

Tip 5: Tighten Your Brakes

Cold weather also affects brakes and could make them less sensitive, hence, elongating the braking time. This is why it is recommended to tighten the brakes a little to counter the effect of the frost on the braking time.

Tip 6: Always Fully Charge Your Batteries

As we already stated above, your scooter battery won’t function optimally during the cold, so it is best to prioritise charging. This is because a scooter that can travel up to 40 km on a single charge during the summer or other seasons, may most likely only reach 25 km in the icy season. Considering this, it is best to always have a fully charged battery before you go on any trip, as you don’t want it to give up on you midway. 

Moreover, whenever it’s not in use, remove the battery and store it indoors under room temperature. This way, it’ll be in good condition to take you on the next trip. Also note that you shouldn’t start charging it immediately after driving in the cold. It is best to keep it indoors to warm up a little before you plug it in.

Tip 7: Winter Proof Your Device

There are different ways you can protect your ride from moisture and the freezing by covering the deck with a scooter cover (a padded one if possible). It is also advisable to apply an antifreeze solution on your device, especially around the batteries, tires, and engine. This will make it difficult for these parts to freeze. When you get back home after your ride in the snow, make sure to clean your scooter to get rid of salt residue that sticks on your scooter parts. You can buy an appropriate cleaning kit in our online shop.


Äike Electric Scooter Winter Maintenance Guide

Safe commuting

Much like when running around or driving, we recommend you to take it slower than you usually would during winter. Also, avoid making abrupt turns, especially on slippery surfaces, and pay extra attention to fellow factors in the traffic. Most importantly, don’t forget to wear your helmet and reflector.

When the temperature is below +4°C, Äike will automatically limit its speed to 20 km/h and power to 70%, to ensure the safety of the rider. To gain an even greater sense of safety, turn on the ECO mode which limits the power to 50%.

As always, try to stay on bike paths and get off the scooter to push it by your side when crossing the road or pushing through large heaps of fresh snow. 

Pro tip: Don’t forget a warm pair of ski gloves!

Salt problem

You know what is a real pain during winter? Yes, you guessed it. Salt! After a muddy winter ride on Äike, we recommend you clean it. No need to invest in any fancy equipment, an old brush, a bucket of warm water and soap will do the trick! While Äike is built with as many aluminum and rust-resistant parts as possible, some parts are still sensitive to salt on the muddy streets. If you ride every day, give it a weekly wipe-down. Keep in mind not to take the wet scooter outside into minus degrees as it may ice out some of the moving parts.

Battery charging

Here’s the thing: batteries are total babies when it comes to cold conditions. The colder it is, the moodier they get. Here’s what you need to know…

Äike batteries can only be charged when their temperature is between +4°C and +45°C. The battery will start charging once it has warmed up.

We recommend keeping the batteries in the room warm before riding, to ensure a better riding experience, safety and also increase battery lifespan.

Winter Hibernation & Storage

Are you planning to give your Äike a little break over the winter? Then we suggest turning the e-scooter fully off, so no secret damage can be done from the nippy temperatures.

Here’s how to do it …

  • Make sure to wash off any dirt and salt with water and soap.
  • Before storaging, check if the your Äike’s firmware is up to date.
  • We recommend to store your Äike at a temperature of +5 C to +25 C. Make sure to fully charge the batteries before you send it to storage and take the batteries out to increase its battery lifespan. 
  • Keep in mind that Äike IoT updates its server information every 12 hours and lasts for about 3 weeks on its own (without batteries). After the GPS-protection and communication with the server disappears. 
  • To protect your Äike against theft, we recommend placing the batteries in it for a few hours every 2 weeks, so the IoT battery can be fully charged and the GPS data on your phone stays up to date.
  • If the scooter is fully charged and the batteries are left in, the theft protection is active for at least 1 month.
  • Leave the battery door of the scooter open (otherwise you may not be able to open the door again without mechanical interference later on)

With the Äike T, Riding in Winter Is No Problem

While all the tips we have shared above are important for riding an electric scooter in winter, the most critical factor is to buy a brand that can really perform in freezing weather. Äike T is the ultimate electric snow scooter that will give you a seamless ride in the most freezing weather. 

With its x5 IP rating, the Äike T can ride through any puddle, water splash or frost without damage. Furthermore, the 10 inches (ca. 25 cm) pneumatic tires are perfectly suited to provide enough grip and traction to take you through any slippery path. 

Read more about the technical specifications that make the Äike T the best electric scooter for winter, and place your order now.